Department of Mathematical Engineering
and Information Physics

What is MEIP?

Our goal is
Universal principles
and Methodology



The Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics develops disciplines that are central to the technological revolution of the future. The department's goal is to integrate information concepts and information technology with a foundation in mathematics and physics.

We are stepping into a world where mathematics, information, and physics intersect, and we have a grand mission to lead the new era in which cyber and reality are merging.





The Department of Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics provides an environment that nurtures future technological leaders who will create the next generation of science and technology, and focuses its education on "universal principles and methodologies" that are not dependent on specific fields or industries such as electrical, mechanical, or materials science.


This place, which develops warm bonds and the sense of community while letting people pursue cutting-edge academics, the warm bonds within the university and the sense of community that develops here will be a powerful asset to you.


Modeling the nature of phenomena and
Creating problem-solving methods

Mathematical Information
Engineering Course


Correctly perceive the real world and
Achieve desired functionality

Information Physics and
Computing Course


Education Education in the Department of
Mathematical Engineering and Information Physics

Deepen foundation

Broaden horizons

The motto of education in the Department is "Deeply grounded in the fundamentals, broad in perspective." Our goal is to nurture students with a solid foundation in mathematics and physics, as well as a challenging spirit that is highly creative and adaptable.
The curriculum is structured so that students deepen their understanding by thinking for themselves, working with their hands, and explaining in their own words.




Faculty List Faculty List MEIP

Learn more about the MEIP
through the research of our faculty